This morning, the girls woke up to find their little elf having a bit of fun with yesterday's piñata and the leftover Tootsie Rolls.

It seems Banoffee Pie made himself a little cape and mask and stabbed the piñata with a chopstick. Then he overindulged in sweeties, which is perfectly okay because he's an elf. Fifi did mention he was going to give himself a stomachache eating all those Tootsie Rolls.

After we cleaned up his little mess, he found a new place to watch the children for the day on the baker's rack in the kitchen, which was the perfect place to watch Lolly do her homeschooling.

Lolly and I are doing the Hippy program. Today's assignment was to fill an egg carton or ice tray (we used a muffin pan) with small objects, ranging from 1 to 10 per segment. Then we cut out the numbers 1-10, and Lolly had to place them in the correct segment. It seemed overly easy but fun, so I did it. It turned out to be really useful. Since the numbers were not in order and the items were small, she had to do a lot of counting and paying attention-ing. Then I let her eat one item out of each segment and put the new correct number in its place - subtraction! She loved it. Any schooling involving food is a win with Lolly.
The Advent Activity for today was to write our letters to Santa and post them at Wee Betty's Cafe. We chose Wee Betty's as our post office, because first, they have a special little Letters to Santa mailbox and second, because it brings Scotland and Christmas a little closer together. We love our little local Scottish cafe. I love how my girls' accents come out a little stronger when talking to other Scots, and I love how it makes me feel transported back 'home' every time I walk in. Seeing Freddo and Quavers and Irn Bru and PG Tips on the shelves just makes me feel happy. And the Scottish banter is fab; boy, do I miss Scottish banter! (It's always about the weather!)
So the girls wrote their letters. Lolly and I wrote hers - and Jaguar's - during the day, and Fifi did hers when she got back from school. She actually had hers written out already, but I had her re-write it for writing practice... I'm that mum.

To Santa, I want to get lots of presents. All of the stuff is on this list right here.
fish, Barbie DVDs, cliboard, desk, toy horse, The Pampered Chef cooking supplies, Lala Loopsey doll, walking doll, Beautiful Girl, pet grooming, DS games, books, skating board
Thank you.
Stocking List
silly bands, crayons, chocolate coins, notebooks, bags, a new dog, giggling dolls, tatoos

Lolly's letter cracks. me. up. She dictated to me exactly as I wrote it. The last two requests, for Chemical X and everything nice, come from The Powerpuff Girls.
Sugar. Spice. And everything nice.
These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl.
But Professor Utonium accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... CHEMICAL X.
Obviously, Lolly is hoping to make a Powerpuff Girl for Christmas. I asked her, 'Don't you want to ask for sugar and spice too?' She replied, 'No, mum, we already have those.' Duh. Right in the cupboard.
After we finished all the letters, and the girls spent far too much time inking Christmas stamps all over the envelopes, we all loaded into the car and started driving the twenty minutes to Wee Betty's. I planned on making the trip worth my while by getting a few goodies to take to Seattle with us for our friends Jonathan and Sarah.
About three-quarters of the way there though, I realized... It's Monday. And Wee Betty's is closed on Mondays. Nuuuuts.
So, we turned back. The kids were really upset because that's what the letter said! Luckily, SuperMom came to the rescue and I remembered I'd bought a little metal Christmas mailbox a while back that I couldn't decide if I should use as a gift box or not.
'Hey Lolly, remember that strange mailbox I just happened to find today? MAYBE it's magic! Maybe we could ask Banoffee to send our letters to Santa in it!'

Yes! They bought it! So we came back home, stashed our letters in the little mailbox, and Fifi wrote Banoffee a note.

I think there's a good chance Banoffee Pie might just magically mail them out tonight. We'll know tomorrow if the mailbox is empty, won't we?
Have no fear, Jonathan and Sarah, there will be more opportunities for us to get you Irn Bru before we catch our flights to Washington!
Wow, writing letters to Santa is a good way to communicate to the gift givers today.
ReplyDeleteFor they hear kids' voices loudly.
Hope, you'll get all you want kids. Cheers!