Yesterday I just We slept in because someone (Scott) thought it was Daylight Savings Time, but he was on British time, not American. So instead of getting my extra hour (he'd so kindly offered to let me have the lie-in this week for it) I got a rude awakening of 'oops, the clocks didn't actually go back'. So we slummed around the house all morning, doing a few bits and bobs, until it was time to go to my Dad's for lunch. I threw on The Dress and for about two minutes tried to get creative with it by pairing it with some red skinny jeans. But The Dress and the skinny jeans did not make a happy couple, and I honestly didn't care, so I just wore them as they were, together, but forever fashionably apart. I didn't even take a photo. There was nothing worth remembering.
Today, I confess... I did not wear The Dress at all. Second time this month. It was in the wash, and the clothes in the dryer didn't dry all the way, so I had to rerun them, and basically, the outfit I put on in the interim felt so cute and me that I didn't want to take it off. I nearly got Scott to take a photo of that outfit instead - jeans, a brown skinny tshirt with a green stripey see-through top over it, chunky brown necklace and a tweed hat...
The Dress is dry now and hanging up for tomorrow. As I looked at it on the hanger, I realized it's not The Dress that I hate, it's the lack of anything else to wear with it. The Dress itself is still cute to me, I still like the way it fits - I just don't like wearing it daily when I have nothing I really want to see worn with it. I do have a few other things I like (like what I wore today), but they don't match The Dress.
I'll be happy when this project is over, and I can retire The Dress for a little while. I'll still wear it, I think, but I'll enjoy wearing something else for a change. Just a few more days, right?

But Fifi wore hers today. It's Red Ribbon Week at school (Say No to Drugs and all that), and today's theme was wear your clothes inside out ('Don't let drugs turn you inside out' or something). She wore Her Dress - inside out - with leggings and a pink jacket and zebra socks - all inside out. Tomorrow is 50's Day though, and we do not have any dress-up clothes or 50's costumes or ANYTHING. I don't know if she'll wear Her Dress or not, but I'm thinking a neck scarf is about all I can come up with anyway.
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