Fifi, however, was very inspired by her dress. She wore a black and white striped blazer of Lolly's, since her pink and navy striped blazer needs a new button sewn on, her Hello Kitty hat (the black and white chevron ribbon matched the blazer) and a blue hand-knitted scarf from her Neena. She completed her ensemble with rainbow striped ankle socks and her neon wedge sandals. Has that girl got style, or what?

I asked her after school how her dress went. I am not going to lie, I'm worried about her getting bullied for doing this. She said, "It was great. No one even said anything about wearing it yesterday. No one even noticed. You know what Dorothy said to me? She said, 'You look dazzling.' I was, like, 'No more compliments!'" I think so far, she's going to be okay.
It's actually really fun doing this with Fifi. I may not have Heather and Susan and Kirsty participating with me this year, but I've got Fifi. It's fun seeing what ideas she has about fashion. She's too young to get the greater concept of this project, but she's loving the challenge.
The greater concept for me, I think, is going to be tough this year. I'm trying to keep it Simple; my whole year has been about simplifying, but sometimes I think I'm having to take it too far. I love clothes. I love dressing up. Having so few accessories and shoes and clothing pieces to work with is frustrating. It makes me want to shop. It makes me want to blow caution to the wind and go on a spree. But I'm not giving in. What do I really need? is the constant question of the day. It's tough breaking shopping habits, especially when to some degree, there actually is a need (aka I have nothing). But I'm relearning the meaning of 'need' this year, and it's a good lesson, albeit not very fun.
For now, though, I'll not focus on the rubbishness of what Simplicity is costing me (or not costing me, to be more exact). Sure it would be nice if I had my old collection of belts and scarves and Primark solid coloured t-shirts in every colour imaginable, but I'll make do with what I have. Tomorrow is another day with the same dress, and I'm going to go to bed imagining what I can do with it from what I've got lying around.
a couple more photos. If you're wondering what's up with the seemingly pretentious lighting effects across the upper left hand corner of each shot, it's my artistically smashed phone screen running across the camera lens.

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