Friday, December 28, 2012

Femgineers In the Making

We took down the Christmas tree today. Call me a humbug, but it was really getting on my nerves this year. It just felt so in the way, and I couldn't wait to get it down. The girls were a bit disappointed, so I let them play with the decorations for a while, and this is what they made of it.

I was incredibly impressed by their engineering of this self-designed Christmas tree. It consisted of a piece of wood that had come off their toy box, covered in a green sheet, and stood up in a box. The wood of course kept falling over, but I told them they had to figure that out themselves, and they did. They put wooden train track pieces in the box all around the stick until it stood up straight. Then they decorated it. I was really proud of their critical thinking skills; it even made up for the incredible mess they made with the tinsel!

Later today we went over to my friend Maria's house, and there she got out a marble maze set her kids had gotten for Christmas. Once again, it involved engineering and logical thinking to put the maze together and make it work. Fifii (and I!) really enjoyed trying to figure it out.

It tends to seem like a 'boy thing' to be interested in engineering and logical building projects, so I'm pleased to see Fifii taking an interest. Scott found a toy called Goldi Blox that we're going to get the girls when it is released. Have a look. It looks amazing.

Landing Page 10.8.12-SHARE-WEB from GoldieBlox on Vimeo.

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