I'm taking a quick break from major holiday-house-wreckage cleaning to present to you our McFarlane Family Christmas Newsletter (virtual version). Hope you had a lovely Christmas; we certainly did! xx
Merry Christmas, dear friends and family!
We hope this has been a good year for all of you. It’s been quite an exciting year for us. Here’s what we’ve had going on.
First and foremost, our little boy Jaguar was born this summer. We were so excited to finally have a son and an heir to our family fortune. *Cough* Ahem. He is an absolutely delightful baby, always full of smiles, sleeps well, eats well; he’s pretty much what dreams are made of. His hobbies are biting his hands to soothe his gums, smiling at strangers, and playing with his own feet.
Fifii is in P2, where she is becoming bilingual in the Gaelic unit. This means her classes are separate from the English classes, and her teacher speaks only in Gaelic – ‘full immersion’. Her grasp of the language has come so far, and she can already speak and read quite a lot of Gaelic. Don’t worry, she’ll learn to read and write in English soon enough! She is a very sensitive and caring child, who looks out for other people and really cares about their feelings. She and her sister are best friends, and she is always looking out for her baby brother. She is very outgoing, confident and funny and makes friends everywhere she goes. Her interests are reading, drawing, Highland dancing, pottery, tennis and drama. She is a star in the making who loves being the centre of attention. (Hmm, who does that sound like?)
Lolly is in the Gaelic nursery and is also coming on well with the language. She is a little wildfire, with such a determination in her spirit that her mummy often doesn’t know what to do with her! But she and her daddy have a special understanding, which is lucky. She is always trying to get you to laugh, even when you are trying to be serious, and especially when she’s supposed to be in trouble. No one is immune to her goofiness and her big cheeky grin. She adores her baby brother and dotes on her big sister. Lolly’s current interests are drawing (often on furniture), tap dancing, football (aka soccer), pottery and computers. (Hmm, who does THAT sound like?)
Scott is still working away, doing all kinds of complicated things for big boss-type people, and enjoying his free time playing computer games and guitar. He is always learning something new and inadvertently making his wife feel dumber by the second. He loves playing with his son, helping Fifii with her maths lessons, Lolly with her counting, and both of them with their computing. He has also become the ultimate bedtime expert, as he ends up with bedtime duties most nights! He’s recently taken an interest in cooking and the children have dubbed him, not only the Pancake King, but the Pancake Hero. Oh, and his moustache was only for Movember.
Lori started childminding last year and finds it to be the perfect job, as she gets to stay home with her kids but work at the same time. Now that maternity leave has ended, she will go back to teaching baby signing classes, and she has also started a new business, an online shop. She is still involved with theatre, and performed in this year’s pantomime as the Principal Boy. She’s been learning Gaelic too, so she can help her children with their homework and keep the Scottish native language and culture alive!
Last year, we also introduced Chewbacca to our family. He is a sooty-fawn mini lop-eared rabbit who lives indoors in a hutch. His favourite things are cabbage, cardboard, and running wildly around the living room. He and Lolly are very close friends, even though I think he’s actually quite afraid of her noisy screeching and chasing.
We hope you have a happy Christmas this year and would love to hear from you if we haven’t in a while. We wish you a new year full of good times and precious moments.
Scott, Lori, Fifii, Lolly, Jaguar and Chewy