Well, we recently read the chapter about frobscottle, the tasty drink the Big Friendly Giant drinks, with the bubbles that go down. Upon reading it, I just knew I'd have to make it!
I had my own ideas; I would buy some Irish cream soda syrup, mix it with sparkling water and add some raspberry flavour and green food colouring. But I figured the Internetz would probably have already devised a perfect recipe, so I hit Google.
Of the many frobscottle recipes (including the official Roald Dahl's book of revolting recipes version), the best one I found was this one: laughinglaceandlegos.blogspot.com. It looked the easiest to make and the tastiest. So this morning we made it.

1 cup of milk
1 1/2 cups of Sprite
1 T. Raspberry sauce
1 tsp. Vanilla
Green food colouring
Put everything in the blender and add ice.
The girls loved it! I thought it was alright too. I didn't make it exactly, as I didn't have any ice in the freezer to put it in the blender, so it was a bit separated at the top, but it was actually still pretty good.

Afterwards I pretended to do a whizzpopper, but Fifi didn't buy it. She said, 'That was just you. That wasn't a real one!'
She's still waiting for her whizzpopper to blast her into the air.