I want (but cannot have)…
1. Rangers season tickets
2. Tickets to the Rangers v Villareal match
3. A house in Kelvingrove/-hall/-bridge/-side
4. Another car (so there’d be one for me and one for Scott)
5. A Thai massage
6. These books
7. A Lumie Bodyclock
8. A new digital camera (mine is literally falling apart)

10. A romantic holiday with my husband
11. An mp3 player for Scott*
12. The O.C. Season One box set
13. More bookshelves
‘I’d have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy gir-r-r-rl….’
And if I can just add what I wish I could have in general, I’d have…
1. A writing or design job
2. Scratch that, no job (or just a part-time job)
3. Scott in a job that doesn’t screw him over all the time
4. A clean house
5. Clean laundry
6. A maid to keep my house and laundry clean
7. A driver’s license
8. More hours in a day (or fewer hours at the office)
9. Clear skin
10. An awesome church
11. A transporter
12. A delicious curry that is actually good for you
13. Fewer bills
14. A personal secretary to handle our fewer bills
15. A direct train line from Greenock to Anniesland and free rail tickets for a year
*I got Scott an mp3 player for Christmas, but when he opened it on Christmas day, we realised the salesperson had put the device in the wrong box so none of the accessories worked with it. We returned it but did not get a new one because they didn’t have any others like it. It took them a week to process the money back into our account and by then we were so Christmas-budgetted out that we never got him another. I regret this so deeply.
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