Amanda is my best girl friend in the world. We've been friends for many moons. She is even probably one of the most significant figures in my salvation story. We lived in the same dorm, in our separate single rooms, and stayed friends even after both liking and dating and making-out-with-behind-each-other's-back the same guy. That's friendship. That's true sisterly love.
Amanda used to hate when we got crafty. Crafty, as in, making crafts. She was something like a Communications major or an English major or something at the time. She didn't like it when her friends got in crafty moods.
Yet one day, Amanda says, "I'm going to change my major to art." Art? Amanda who hates craftiness? Hmm... I would've suggested she stick with English, but then again, that's what I majored in.
Amanda has impressed us all. I think I am the most impressed, though, because I remember un-crafty-manda. I think I am the most impressed, because I thought I knew Amanda so well, and here she comes with some crazy hidden talent that I am entirely and lovingly jealous of. So, because this is Amanda's last semester of university (finally! hurray!) have a look at what an ex-communications/english/elementary education major has done with herself. Amanda is my favourite artist.

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